June 2005 Stay in Oxford, England

Travelog / Travelogue / Travellog / Travellogue, or however you spell it!

Oxford is a delightful city in southern England. My family visited there in late May / early June 2005. We stayed at the "Apartments in Oxford," in a nice two-bedroom apartment located on Sir Thomas Mews (a street) just a couple of blocks from the train station. The phone number is 01865-254077. 

Downtown Oxford has one major pedestrian-only street, and some other streets where pedestrians and motor vehicles share the road. Large buses are common on the streets, and of course everyone is driving on the wrong side of the road...

Prices seemed very high, and we paid roughly twice as much for almost everything as we would in the United States. We purchased food at the supermarkets (paying with credit card) and cooked in the apartment. The apartment kitchen had all the expected appliances, and the TV  had an adequate lineup of channels including CNN. The apartment also came with a computer with broadband internet access for just a couple of bucks.

The main business in Oxford for the last few hundred years has been Oxford University. The university is much different than US universities, consisting of several self-contained colleges.

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