Holloway House

Hot Flash! 

March 21, 2005 

Hi, fellow Holloway Housers:

We **are** having the Holloway House reunion in Austin on Memorial Day Weekend (5/27-30). Plans are being made.

Next week, Lisette will call around to her hotel contacts to see if she can locate some decent room rates in a "block" so you out-of-towners can stay in one location.

More to come. Suggestions are welcome. We look forward to seeing everyone.


Wayne A. & Lisette


Holloway House was a student cooperative house that used to be located at 2510 Rio Grande, Austin, Texas.

Here is some of the history of Holloway House, from the Intercooperative Council page at http://michaelbluejay.com/coop/history/ :

In August 1971 ICC bought its first property, 2510 Rio Grande, and named it Holloway House in honor of Sterling Holloway, an attorney who had been very helpful to ICC. The Ex-Students Association made a first-lien loan, the sellers made a second-lien loan, and money was loaned by some of the co-ops which were members of ICC....

Holloway House was made co-ed, and was in fact one of the first co-ed co-ops.

At some point Holloway House was renamed Prana House by its members.

In the 70's, Holloway was renamed Prana House and was the crazy vegetarian hippie co-op, the HoC of its day. But Prana was old and small (16 members), so in 1981 ICC sold it to a sorority (via Thomas Bullard) and bought 2610 Rio Grande, establishing House of Commons as an even larger vegetarian hippie co-op. (We sold Prana for $180k, three times what we paid for it ten years earlier. Shortly thereafter, it burned down and is now a parking lot for the sorority.)

Here are some photos provided by Wayne in July, 2004:

If you have some photos from way-back-when, please contact miles -at- mail.utexas.edu